Dean E. Harris, P.E., G.E.
The Computational Geotechnics Committee (GICG) is responsible for overseeing issues related to numerical modeling and the application of computer tools to geotechnical engineering and geo-science problems. GICG is active in organizing sessions and special events at conferences, reviewing paper submissions, nominating award recipients. The GICG is primarily involved in three activities:
- supporting and participating in ASCE/GI conferences,
- preparing revenue generating products – webinars, GSPs, etc., and
- providing the membership with technical support, including support for Chapter, Section, and Branch level activities.
View the Computational Geotechnics Committee roster
Chair: Dean E. Harris, P.E., G.E., M.ASCE
Vice-chair: Qiushi Chen, Ph.D., A.M. ASCE
Secretary: Antonios Vytiniotis, Ph.D., A.M.ASCE